Friday, July 6, 2012

Book Review - Walking on Water

Walking on Water
Reflections on Faith and Art
Madeleine L’Engle
1980, 240 pages
ISBN 978-0-87788-918-2
This book sits at the top of my list of all time favorite writing books. Even though I owe  Stephen King’s On Writing a re-read, he is now firmly on line two. I connect with her writing in ways that influence my life. It was true when I was a child, it is still true today. In three areas I found new inspiration from these pages.  
She was asked to write a book on writing as a Christian. This is a powerful examination of what being a Christian artist and producing Christian art means. We like to think theses questions belong to our generation. Madeleine states strongly - all art is inspired by God and your Christian beliefs will show through your work. 
She answers the question of why one writes. You write because you must. You become better at writing when you let go of yourself and listen and obey the work. 
One of her thesis is Christian art should be life affirming. For me, the life affirmation I found in these pages was powerful. After a spell of depression, her beautiful words of God, art, writing, and the meaning of life in the everyday world, as well as the world on the other side (of reason, silence, time and space) lifted me to an engaging level. 
Her advice is 1) be obedient to God’s call and to the work you hear, 2) listen and learn from the work and 3) to write every day. 
As a writer you are a co-creator with God and your reader, such an empowering thought. 
This book is for you if you are looking for answers to what is Christian fiction, am I a Christian writer, should I be a writer, or what is my calling. Or maybe you just want to be reminded to embrace life with child like faith so you too, can walk on water. 


Patricia PacJac Carroll said...

I've heard others talk of this book. Will definitely have to get it.

Lyndie Blevins said...

Thanks, for commenting - I look forward to hearing what you think of the book.