Thursday, April 28, 2011

Have you been drafted? (2011 NFL Draft Day)

Today sports fans will keep a NFL window open on their desk tops or their iphones open to the messages to track NFL draft updates. Everyone is hoping their team will get the best talent to eventually end up in the Super Bowl.  
It makes me consider my own draft experience. The day Jesus knocked again and I finally answered. Unlike today’s picks, I didn’t have anything to offer a team but a willing and open spirit. I was eight. I walked down the aisle to my pastor who brought his 6’4” frame to his knees to bring us eye to eye and take me into his arms. He said, “we’ve been waiting for you.” 
How exciting it was to be chosen for a place on God’s team! Day by day I waited in great anticipation for what God would ‘draft’ me to do in His kingdom.
Would I be a missionary? Would I go to a foreign land? Would I be sent to the inner city? Would I be on a church staff? Would I lead Vacation Bible School? Would I teach the Bible? Would I be a pastor’s wife? How would God prepare me for this work?
I asked these questions in great wonder of how God works.
Now, I realize God drafted me to simply be a part of His kingdom, real and free. When I accept His simple invitation, all those other things will pour from me. 
What about you? Have you been longing to be chosen to be on a team? Jesus is near, waiting with great anticipation for you to turn to Him.

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