Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holmes -- House

When I read the characteristics of Sherlock Holmes I realized that our new friend, Dr. Gregory House must have been developed with Holmes in mind.
he perfect intellect --virtual machine of cogitation --emotional black hole of emotions --incapable of sustaining a relationship with more than one friend - Wilson --he abuses drugs --quirky habits --unbearably supercilious

It is interesting that House is played by a British actor. It will be interesting to see if House can stand the test of time. I am not sure. There seems to me to be something in House's eyes that I never saw in Holmes. There is a longing to be different. Holmes always seemed to be okay with who he was. Watson was an enabler just as WIlson. If I remembered correctly Holmes became an addict based on injury like House. I wondered what the difference of the two drugs side effects on the men would be?

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