We have been experiencing winter in North Texas the last couple of days. Tuesday the freezing rain started, and over night it sleeted pretty heavily with the temperatures below freezing. I have a pretty tricky driveway. Some times the ice effects and some times not. Yesterday was one of the days it was effective. My work had a delayed opening of 10 am, but the sun did not come out of the clouds until 10.
I wasn't able to go to work. So the dogs were in and out of the house all day. They love the cold, especially my Austrailian Shepherd. When they are in the house they are never far from me.
One of the greatest things yesterday, was the overcoming feeling of cleaniness. The air was so brisk and clean. All the trees and shrubs had a coating of ice that made them glisten. The photos don't do justice to the scene. I found that I could see the ice on the tips of the limbs by applying a waterc
olor technique. 

It did remind me of the holiness of God's nature, fresh renewed again.
The temperature rose and the ice melted through the day and early evening.
And the temperature dropped below freezing again during the night. We woke this morning to a fog. I grabbed the camera and took a photo, it looked cold. But the driveway was clear, so I had to go work. I let the dogs back in, because of how cold it was. They were so excited. Evidently they thought we had the entire day to play. I think they were remembering another year when I took pictures of them in the ice. As I said goodby they blocked me from the door as though they were saying, "no, you are not leaving, we want to play!"
Here is what it looked like this morning. The downed tree limb on the right is from an ice storm a couple of weeks ago, when 3 limbs fell across the driveway.
After the dogs reaction this morning, I can hardly wait until my retirement, maybe they really won't let me out of the house.
I wanted to go outside and take photos of the ice, but it was too cold for me. Instead, I stayed inside, cozy and warm in my pj's... thoroughly enjoying the day off from school!
Don;t give me too much credit, I was barely out the door and then it was really to able to say at work, I checked the driveway myself. Missed you todat
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