In November, I attended 2 Christian Writers Conferences. On was for 2 days in South Texas at an Episcopal Camp and 5 days in Northern New Mexico at the Ghost Ranch in Abuquiu, which is operated by the Presbitarian Church. Both conferences were great. I met some great new friends, learned a lot about the business/craft of writing and spent some quality time with Jesus.
The vistas in New Mexico were incredible. No matter how many photos I took it was never enough. The horse in the photos was given to the ranch with the understanding she could live out the remainder of her life. She is 46 years old. I have some new favorite writers to add to my list. I have finished one book and have a stack to go...
Check out more photos of New Mexico at
address: http://ccwcghostranch09.snapfish.com/snapfish/otsc=SYE/otsi=WCRroom code: HolyGhost